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Periodontal Therapy

What Is Periodontitis?

general-dentistry Periodontitis is an infection of the bone and gums which surround the teeth. It is caused by the bacteria which normally reside in your mouth. When the bacteria become more numerous than normal, or at a level which your body can not tolerate, an inflammatory reaction takes place and your body begins to destroy the bone which supports the teeth. When the bacteria in your mouth cause bone loss, the gum tissue does not always recede away with the lost bone. Pockets are created which harbor more bacteria and are unreachable with a normal toothbrush and floss. The deep pockets perpetuate the cycle of bone loss. The teeth subsequently become loosened, and if not treated in a timely manner, the teeth can even be lost.
During this process, there can be a foul odor from the mouth, as well as infection (pus) coming from the gums. But this process is usually painless and can sometimes go unnoticed for quite some time until significant symptoms, such as bad breath or loose teeth, indicate a problem.

Periodontitis – Non-Surgical Therapy


Nearly all forms of periodontitis are treated initially in a non-surgical manner. This is due to the nature of the cause of periodontitis. As mentioned before, the bacteria that are naturally in the mouth can overpopulate in the form of dental soft plaque and hard calculus if the teeth are not properly cleaned on a sally basis. The bacterial toxins that result can cause destruction and inflammation initially of the soft tissues and gums around the teeth as shown in the picture below. As the disease progresses, the bone is also affected. If the disease is left unchecked, the teeth can potentially be lost. As the bacteria in the form of. plaque is the cause of periodontal disease, their gross removal and reduction is the first step in the termination of this process. This removal takes place in the form of scaling and root planing.

Before treatment

Scaling and Root Planing

general-dentistry Scaling and root planning involves the use of a special ultrasonic device with water irrigation to cleanse the pockets of plaque and debris and remove hard calculus deposits. A local anesthetic is also used to numb the area to be treated in order to reach the base of the pocket without causing you discomfort during treatment. You can also bring along an iPod to help you relax. Usually, the treatment of the entire mouth takes place one quadrant of the mouth treated at a time. This should reduce inflammation and reduce pocket depths by allowing your gum tissue to re-attach to the tooth root surface. It is not unusual to experience some soreness in the treated area. Temperature sensitivity may also be a side-effect of the treatment and should resolve in a few weeks. If it does not, other treatments are available to reduce this sensitivity. Finally, recession after treatment is normal since the swelling for of the infected gum tissue is reduced after therapy.

One week after cleaning the left side

general-dentistry Of vital importance in the treatment of periodontitis is the patient’s responsibility in maintaining proper oral hygiene in between dental visits. Without proper oral hygiene as performed by the patient, the success of therapy is greatly reduced.
Sometimes, scaling and root planning is all that is needed to control the disease process, and a regular schedule of maintenance cleanings is necessary to monitor any change in disease activity through changes in pocket depth. If the pocket depths continue to progress or are not resolved with initial scaling and root planning, surgery may be necessary to correct the loss of bone and resultant pocketing.

Gum / flap surgeries

Gum diseases have to be evaluated and treated at the earliest in order to protect the teeth and oral function. Our team of highly skilled Periodontists specialize in providing you the most advanced gum care.

Gingival Flap surgeries are aimed at disinfecting the Periodontal tissues and making them regain health. Such treatments enhance the life of the teeth and Surrounding bone, and this makes your gums sterile and completely free of harmful bacteria.

Usually assisted with lasers gum surgeries will keep your oral tissues disinfected for a long time. The gums are cleaned with highly specialized instruments. The concerned area is numbed with local anaesthesia so that the entire process will be pain-free for you. The gums are elevated carefully. The granulation tissue which contains active microbes is then removed. The tooth and root surface is also cleaned at the same time. By doing so, both the hard and soft tissue are disinfected perfectly and this makes your gums free from harmful bacteria.
Depending on the level of destruction, you may or may not require soft tissue or hard tissue grafting.


With a high placed frenum, people have a certain midline gap which looks unaesthetic. The muscle tissue is interposed between two central teeth and moves when you eat drink or even speak – creating that gap which increases with the age – if not treated early. With specially assisted lasers we re-position the muscle tissue. A quick 20 min procedure and you can get the gap closed with any of our cosmetic option or the orthodontic options.



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